Wednesday, December 31, 2008

We'll Take A Cup of Kindness yet, for Auld Lang Syne

Last day of's to 2009!

A wrap up of the past 12 months:

January- Got passports for our honeymoon
February- First ever band show, went to Vegas with not-yet hubby and saw the Cirque du Soleil show LOVE (that was SO FUN)
March- Went a little nuts preparing for the annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner, also won first place for the 2nd year in a row at the Meridian High School trivia night (our team kicks ass) .
April- Danny and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary (that was a good night...sorry, mind went off track for a moment there), had another band show, Volunteer Rec. Dinner.
May- my Bridal shower and Bachelorette Party, TONS of wedding prep! Got our NEW PUPPY, Miss Harrison.
June- not much, just our WEDDING (06-07-08) and honeymoon in Mexico!
July- my 25th birthday, started practicing for brother-in-law's labor day band.
August- yet another band show, lots of practices, went to Macon Speedway (that just seems noteworthy to me), labor day party!
September- Dad turned 60, Danny turned 26 on the 26th, I received my food handler safety license.
October- Danny in a wedding, 40lb pumpkin, Halloween in Bloomington with Austin.
November- Bears game! Thanksgiving celebrations in Decatur and Bloomington.
December- Volunteer Holiday Party (while sick with fever - that's very memorable to me), Danny was not laid off this year and that was fantastic for our bank account. 2 great Christmas celebrations!

It was a great year for me! Married to the love of my life, new baby (the dog), got to be a bit of a rock star, tons of great weekends and time spent with family!

Here's to an even more eventful 2009!


Monday, December 29, 2008

And a Happy New Year!

Great Christmas!

I went out on the morning of the 24th with Mom to get very last minute things. It proved difficult to back out of my driveway due to thick ice and a power truck in the way (as we were currently experiencing power loss) and Harrison in the car with me barking at said power truck, but we prevailed! Danny got off work early and we got ready that afternoon to go to his parents' house for the annual Christmas Eve celebration/poker game with extended family. It was a very good time!

The next morning we had our own little gift exchange with each other and Harrison (Nick was spending Christmas with Danny's parents, so we had a peaceful night and morning - they don't share toys too well!). I got a lovely set of Chicago Bears' pajamas, really nice-smelling perfume, the complete Wonder Years series on dvd (which I am totally excited to own), Chicago Bears' socks, and a coupon book of lovely little honey-do's which I have yet to use! I got him a light up Chicago Bears' sign (apparently we're fans), a fleece vest, and a make-your-own beer kit. Mom and Dad stopped by to pick up Harrison to take her for a Christmas morning run. Then it was back to Danny's parents' house for breakfast and more gifts. We had quite a spread: cinnamon rolls, hash brown/egg casserole, sausage bread, all kinds of good stuff! Our big gift was a new dvd camcorder so we'll have fun playing with that! I got a great necklace and parafin wax spa thing and my sister-in-law got me a cute little Coach wallet/purse. It was a pretty good haul there. Danny got more Bears' stuff including another light up sign, so we're set there!

We played a little Rock Band before we left. Danny's brother got this for his Wii and it was fun! I am a kick ass drummer too!

From there we drove up to Bloomington for Christmas with my side of the family. This was the first year we didn't do it at Mom and Dad's. I got 2 more awesome purses from Mom (I asked for multiple purses) and after she heard that Susannah got me a little purse, she said I could either send one back or have $50 for new No brainer there! Shoes! Danny got a gift card for drum stuff and, you guessed it, more Bears' stuff including a grill set and pj pants! Austin had a great time with his toys and was so entertained by each one that he didn't even finish opening them that day! We had Dad's lasagna and really good peppermint cheesecake my sister made and Mom and Dad headed home to take care of Harrison for the night. Danny and I stayed that night and left early the next morning so he could prepare for his poker/keg party in our newly insulated/heated garage. It's his man-space, but I park my car in there, so it's fair.

I was absolutly exhausted on Saturday, however we still managed to go to dinner with Ross and Susannah and saw Marley and Me. Good movie, but very sad and too reminiscent of my yellow lab and her ending for me! Went out for 1 whole drink after that (our power was out again!) and finally came home and collapsed into bed! Sunday I planned on cleaning my butt off, but my butt was still missing from the last few days, so I put Christmas stuff away, did dishes and swept the kitchen floor and laid on the couch with Harrison.

Now it's back to the daily grind for a few days before the New Year! Danny's working 5 twelves this week, 7pm to 7am, so he's out for New Year's Eve. My sister and Austin are coming down and we're going to try to actually go out and not just say we are and really end up singing karaoke in my living room until falling asleep at 11 pm.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

You Can Have Whatever You Like

This is my new favorite song of the moment.

Do you recall my long ago blog about No Air and how it was my favorite song of the moment? Well, I have a new one and it's even better! TI's Whatever You oh man do I sing along to that one! I even serenaded Danny in the car the other night and he loved it (actually he kept looking at me like I was on crack and saying "oh my god")! But anyway, it's a good "dance in your car" song that I happen to really enjoy these days. Eventually it will be way overplayed and I will move on to the next random song to drive my husband crazy with.

Last night we had people over to watch the Bears' game. Another nail biting OT win, but a win nonetheless. It was a good time and I ran through the house picking up clutter and actually, it looks pretty decent, sort of. I still have lots of laundry to fold/wash, but the surfaces are cleared off, which is a big thing. Also, I put our Christmas presents under the tree last night. This is a big deal. They have previously been sitting atop the dining room table, out of the path of dogs that chew up EVERYTHING (ahem, Harrison, ahem). However, this was such a cluttered look and dang it, I wanted my gifts under the tree at some point before Christmas! What's the point of a tree if not to put gifts underneath and enjoy? I was going to wait until tomorrow when I'd be home to monitor all day, but I went for it last night. I still kept my eye on the pile and the dog, but she wasn't the least bit interested in them! I realize that today, that could all be different and anytime the gifts are not directly in my line of sight she could have one eaten in no time, but I'm risking it! She's got 2 days to go. She was fully distracted last night as we had people over for the game, and she was showing off her "balance the biscuit on my nose" trick that she does oh so well...such a smarty girl! Even if she does eat many inappropriate things, she's got the smarts!

I probably won't blog again until after Christmas, and pictures will come soon! Everyone have a very Happy Holiday!


Monday, December 22, 2008

She's Got the Look

I don't know about you, but I was getting a bit tired of the here's something fresh for everyone to enjoy!

So, I took ZERO pictures this weekend. I know I threw it out there that I might take a few pictures and post them before the holidays, well...not so much! To my credit, there wasn't much to take pictures of. Nephew got sick this weekend so the family didn't come down from Bloomington. We did go Wii it up Saturday night (not Friday) and that was lots of fun with friends, but alas, no pictures. So, and I think more appropriately, I will take pictures over the holiday and then post all of our holiday fun-ness for all to enjoy!

I only have to work today (which has a mere 30 minutes left to it) and tomorrow! I took Christmas Eve and day after off and I am so looking forward to the break. However, it looks like the weather is going to be iffy, but at least I'll be cozy in my 65 degree "can feel the cool breeze pass over my skin unless I am covered by the wool blanket from my toes to my chin" home. Really wish they would have known about wall insulation in 1925 when the house was built. My body temp and power bill would be way more appreciative that way. Of course, -20 degree wind chills don't really provide much in the way of keeping warm ANYWHERE ON EARTH!

In other news, we didn't get the lid tightly closed on one of our trash cans through all the rain/freezing and we literally have a trash can full of ice...solid ice...filled to the brim...solid. Fabulous.

Well, folks, 2 days until Christmas. Have a good one!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland

Or trying not to fall is more like it!

So it's been a bit icy around here this past week. Thankfully, I have managed to stay on my feet, but some of my friends and co-workers haven't been so lucky! At first, it was too cold for the salt to melt anything, so the ice remained untouched. Now, the salt is melting, but because there is a nice layer of ice built up, the water is just sitting on top of the slickness, making it even more slick! Love it! I have resolved to walking like a little old lady, taking very small steps, to ensure I do not fall. I don't care how long it takes me to get to the car, I am going to remain standing!

So, apparently, we are supposed to get snow on Christmas Eve. Don't the weather people say that every year? I think it's a requirement of that day to just say to all of us wishing for a white Christmas that yes, there is a chance of snow! We'll find out in a mere 6 days. 6 days! Not counting the rest of this workday, I only have 2 more before Christmas. I am taking Christmas Eve off and the day after off. Last year I worked both of those days and it was a little depressing. This year I have actual vacation time, so I get to have a little holiday break, just like the good old days in school (not quite that long).

In other news, it should be a nice weekend. Hubby and I are going to hang out with friends tonight and play a little Wii. I heart Wii. It's very fun! Saturday I am going to have lunch with Ashley and Kayla. I haven't seen them really since BEFORE Thanksgiving and that is much catch up is planned for that day, not that I have too much news to share. Sunday we will have dinner at my parents house. My sister and brother-in-law and nephew are coming to drop Austin off for a few days with my parents. We are going to bring our baby, Harrison, for a little play date!

That should do it for me! I'll try to take some pictures this weekend and put up a photo post before the holidays...we'll call that a goal for next week!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I wanna talk about me (part 2)

I just realized I've been tagged to complete this here I go!

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Field worker - Ah yes, those few jobs a kid can get when he/she is 12/13 in the summer time! I walked beans and rouged corn with the best of 'em!
2. Dish washer - Again, a summer job when I was 16 at the local tea room in Elwin. This wasn't pleasant work.
3. Hotel maid - this was even more unpleasant! I did this job with my good friend Ashley, who's Aunt got us the job. Man, at 18, we were the smartest, most "had-it-together" ladies working there!
4. Naturalist - this has been be favorite job of all, seriously! Basically it was teaching without the paperwork and parents. I would still be doing this now, but it didn't pay enough to exist outside my parents home, so I moved up to full time with benefits. I'll find a way back to it someday!

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The American President
2. Selena
3. Clue
4. Mr. Holland's Opus

Four places I have lived:
1. Elwin, IL - hometown proud! I even was a tri-author of the only town newspaper to date!
2. Decatur, IL - current get's a bad rap, but I find it a nice place to live.
3. Charleston, IL - good old EIU. This town makes Decatur look like a hub of entertainment!
4. I've only got the 3.

Four TV shows I love: I really don't watch many of the new shows! But I have a lot of old favs.
1. House
2. Gilmore Girls
3. West Wing
4. How I Met Your Mother (if I remember to watch it!)

Four places I’ve vacationed:
1. Riviera Maya, Mexico - Honeymoon...a good time, though I was happy to get back home.
2. Canada - don't remember what part. I went with my friend Devin and her family for 3 weeks one summer.
3. La Jolla, CA - This is a beautiful place!
4. Boston, MA - This was a family vacation, and I was young, but remember it pretty well.

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Pizza
2. Two Cheese Spaghetti (made by my dad)
3. stuffed pork chops (this is one I came across)
4. Strawberry pancakes (also made by Dad)

Four sites I visit daily:
1. Facebook
2. my blog page
4. google

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Home (with the husband)
2. With the husband (wherever)
3. somewhere warm (if you read the last blog, you'll understand why)
4. anywhere but work

There you go!

Baby, It's Cold Outside


A balmy 10 degrees outside today, windchill is -3. Apparently, it's winter!

10 days until Christmas, that's pretty much the big news, what can I say? I had a great time in Bloomington this weekend, did a bit more Christmas shopping (I thought I was done, but now I think I really am done. 1 more package to wrap when it comes in the mail and that's it - Danny is another story), took Harrison for a run at the country club with Mom. That was fun and she is such a good dog...she just runs right along with you, wanders a bit, barks at every bush we pass, but never runs away. And then she is tired and naps at home! We love naps at our house! I even napped yesterday...usually I just lay around but never really sleep. Yesterday I slept for a good 40 minutes.

Now I'm back at work, yet again! I will say this though, I got up at 6am and exercised just like I said I was going to! I hope to keep this up each weekday morning until I feel better about my ass and pant size. I can't put a time frame on myself like, I'll do this for 6 weeks or 3 months or whatever and I can't put it in poundage like, I will weigh XX amount by January 23rd. I can't do this because I never live up to it. So I will just generalize it and be honest about the fact that all of a sudden my butt is not looking so hot, and that must be dealt with. Plus, it's way warmer than walking in the morning which I wasn't doing anyway.

10 days until Christmas!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Over the River and Through the Woods

To Bloomington I go!

Going to visit the sister and the nephew and the brother-in-law tonight! We've got big plans on (at Walgreens no less), zumba (she needs a practice student as she is now an instructor and face it, I need the exercise) and a little throw back to our youth...Christmas Eve on Seasame Street (I don't even know if we'll watch it with Austin, we might just watch it as the adults we are). If you don't remember this holiday delight or have never had the pleasure of watching it...oh my, you've missed a gem in your childhood. Seek it out and watch it! It's from the 80s, so you know it's classic entertainment.

Don't be jealous of our fabulous nightlife!

Have a good weekend...


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time

It was a good party!

The game worked out fine, we just played by table, casually. A few of us went for drinks after the dinner and Danny met up with us then after his class, so that was nice. Then I went home and went to bed. Pretty low key evening, but enjoyable.

And so the holiday celebrations continue...

That's it today folks, I don't have much else I want to discuss here today.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Feliz Navidad!

2 weeks from tomorrow, it will be Christmas!

I feel like the just blogged about it not yet being December and now, December is halfway over! Where in the world does the time go? Really, in the big picture, time goes so fast even when you have those days/weeks that drag on. It seems like some things will never get here or come to be, but eventually they do and looking back, it doesn't even take that long. I remember the countdown to Christmas back in the grade school days. That really did seem like the longest amount of time ever, but here we are, the same amount of time and it just flies by!

Tonight is our work Christmas party at a local restaurant here in town. All you can eat pasta buffet (planned by yours truly). I opted to skip out on the Christmas luncheon as it was also pasta and dessert and really, my willpower to not eat pasta 2 times a day is weak, so you gotta do what you gotta do! Hopefully tonight will be fun. We are supposed to play trivial pursuit, but since 33 people are going, we're just supposed to read the cards to teams, but I'm not sure this will work out to be as fun as first thought (not my plan, either). Other games were suggested, Taboo, MadGab, some that might be easier to play in a larger group, without needing a game board, but these were poo pooed (poo'd? either way I feel like I've just written about bathroom activities) so I guess we'll see! I, myself, love trivia games, even just reading the cards, but again, with so many people, I don't know if it'll work. I'll report back.

2 weeks to go! Hope you've got a handle on your Christmas shopping!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?

Oh Illinois politics...what is wrong with you?

Well, good old Gov. Blago (who can really spell that?) is off to the politically corrupt races! And his odds for imprisonment look good! Seriously, how many ways can you be corrupt and not seem to care? Good luck with your efforts to stay out of jail.

In other news, this has just been a gray, boring, downer day! My biggest accomplishment has been re-doing a bulletin board here at work. And while it's very festive and glittery, it's not providing me a big whoop in my day.

Tomorrow I have 2, count them 2, Christmas parties. One is for a group I belong to that meets monthly (through work) and the other is for work, a dinner party. So what this means is, I can really only "eat" at one of them. They are both pasta meals with all the sides and desserts and what have you. So I plan on salading it up at the lunch party and then actually eating at the dinner party. We never get to leave the building usually for our work celebration, usually we have to cater it in during the lunch hour, which means a day of set up/clean up for me and a few other staff members (yay, Merry Christmas!) so this year I suggested a dinner. Well low and behold it was approved, but at the last minute, it was decided guests of staff members would have to pay for their dinners at $15.80 a pop. So it was almost full generosity, almost. God forbid we have one dinner paid for that allows us to bring a spouse or friend or whatever.

Seriously, I was just dandy this morning and then I went to lunch and something happened to me that put me in a bit of a foul mood. Not sure what it was, but it's hanging on! And we have band practice tonight and I still sound funky, so that should be worthless.

I'll try to find a little positivity before my next blog...sorry!


Monday, December 8, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

I'm back at work after taking Friday off due to the plaque.

Today I feel better, but I sound horrible! My voice just keeps fading away as the day goes on. My nose is still stuffed up, but at least I can breathe and now my teeth are sore because of all the congestion in my sinus areas, but other than that, I seem to be okay. I was not so good on Friday and felt better Saturday and pushed myself a little too hard on Sunday trying to finish Christmas shopping, so I foresee a few more days of this yuck and then I should be as good as new.

I really have no more work focus for the rest of this month. Holiday party is finished and I don't have much to do until the new year, so I will try to make myself look busy and stay off the radar until January rolls around and I can start sweating the Volunteer Recognition Dinner in April.

I really did nothing this weekend except shopping on Sunday, as I mentioned, with Mom. With the exception of a few online purchases that have yet to get here via mail, I think I am done with my shopping and I'm not even too concerned with my total costs. I think I did a pretty good job! Seriously though, I kept with the gift theme Mom laid out this year of "useful/practical" gift giving. No knick-knacks or dust collectors and once you find the gift, you don't have to supplement it with lots of little extras just so it seems "enough." One is enough. Plus, I didn't have many more ideas after just the one! We all have so much stuff these days!

Anyway...happy Monday!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let me clear my throat...

I am sick!

In my last blog I hinted at the fact that I was feeling a bit under the weather. Yep, still got that. I actually went home from work at 11am yesterday and just slept my little heart out all afternoon. It all started with that stupid "heartburn" which then turned into "throat soreness" which hung around waiting for "nose congestion" both of whom have invited their friends "dizziness" and "tiredness" all of which are being closely monitored by "general feeling of gross".

But here I am at work running around like a crazy person setting up for the holiday party. It's pretty much ready to go now (now being 3:30pm, I started at 10am) so I guess I could go home early again, which I might do. I'm the kind of sick that won't necessarily get you out of school unless you have pushover parents, but will make the day pretty much miserable. Yesterday was an "out of school" day as I couldn't even speak, but today, I'm on the fence. I've been raised to not skip out on stuff. I don't even think I skipped more than 3 classes in 4 years of college and I had perfect attendance my senior year of high school (oh yeah, I'm that cool). So I always feel slightly guilty for not showing up when in reality I probably could be there but feel so much better laying in bed at home.

And I absolutely HAVE to be here tomorrow or all that is good and holy will fall apart. Who will make the announcements at the holiday party? Who will pay the caterer? Who will be blamed when things go wrong? Who will the volunteers complain to about the temperature of their green beans? It's gotta be me. That's my job!

I'm really looking forward to Friday...Friday, here I come!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

I had 3 nice Thanksgivings this year.

Thursday we celebrated with Danny's parents and his mom's side of the family. Saturday we went up to Bloomington and celebrated with my family at my sister's house. Sunday we went to Danny's grandparents house with his Dad's side of the family. I'll tell ya, that third round wasn't my favorite...too many probing questions into my personal life and too many inappropriate comments made towards me for that to be at all enjoyable. It's an interesting group of folks to say the VERY least.

Friday we took the day off from eating and did absolutely nothing. I did manage to get to the grocery store and that is definately the time to go! 8am, day after Thanksgiving. I didn't venture out anywhere else. My sister and I did the Black Friday shopping for a few years and really, it's fun. You have to be ready for crowds and lines and crazy parking lots and if you are, then you can get into the atmosphere of it. But not this year. I did a lot of online shopping for Christmas this year.

But Danny and I spent the entire day watching episodes of House together on the couch. We have really gotten into that show and it was very nice, especially when the dogs decided to nap at the same time for like 45 minutes! I gave Harrison a bath that day too and that was a process. 80 lb, wiggly dog in our bathtub. I remembered that I left the dog shampoo downstairs right after I got her into the tub and wet, so she was washed with Pert Plus and smelled very nice!

Last night I had a wicked case of heartburn (I'm guessing from the 3 Thanksgiving celebrations mentioned above - even though I felt like I didn't even eat all that much or many crazy things) and couldn't sleep for hours, had to chug the pepto and sit straight up in bed, it was a little concerning to me when I couldn't even really swallow food. Today my throat is sore and I feel overall gross, so I'm hoping I don't have a sickness. I have my giant volunteer luncheon on Thursday so I don't have time to be out for the count.

Anyway, here we are in December and there is snow on the ground too!
